Cold chain management adalah satu satu key factor dalam menjaga kualitas ikan. Meskipun ikan belum di proses, tetapi ikan harus selalu di keep dalam cold temperature. One of the way to keep fish in a cold temperature, is to apply lots of ice where the fish is being placed , even though the fish are still in waiting to be process.
Es yang di sediakan didalam pabrik kita, semua nya kita produksi sendiri. Pabrik kita memproduksi es batu dengan menggunakan air yang bersih. Dan produk es kita digunakan oleh our seafood processing activity maupun oleh mitra nelayan kita. Kita memastikan bahwa semua yang berhubungan langsung dengan produk seafood kita, harus kita pastikan bahwa itu sesuai standard international.
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There are certain temperature recommended by the seafood industry, to keep the fish quality on par with its standard. At our fish factory we follow standardize guideline from HACCP. Its important for us to follow such international hygiene guideline, because we are company that constantly exported to countries like USA, Australia and Japan.
Please do let me know if we can help you with your seafood needs.
Warmest Regards, Humble Farmer
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