Good morning good morning good morning sobat humble.
How are you today ? are you hungry yet ? sudah lapar belum pagi2? because Im going to talk about food. sooo have you heard about something called "Wedangan"? "wedangan" it is a javanese word, dari bahasa jawa, it means = beverages. But wedangan sendiri is becoming aktivitas jualan di malam hari di sebuah tempat.
What is the difference between wedangan and angkringan ? Wedangan = is the activity of jualannya yang di jual di sebuah tempat yang di sebut Angkringan. So Angkringan is the place to have the wedangan. Confuse ? hahahaha...LoL...basically its the same thing at the same place.
Baca juga : Kehangatan Wedangan Pendopo di Solo
Basically wedangan is Tapas meals dining experience from jawa tengah. Before you sitting down, you pick the food that you like, and you gave it to the counter, the counter will give you a number to bring to the table. And after they cook the food for you, mereka akan bawa makanannya to your table. It is that simple. And dont worry about picking too much or too litle, because NAMBAH is definitely an option! LoL
One of my favourite place to have this Jawa tengah tapas dining experience is in Solo city. With the new Toll way, you can easily drive to Solo for 6 hours. Its quite an enjoyable car healing time. I mean for 3 hours in jakarta aja kan itu ngak kemana2...paling dari BSD sampai grand indonesia.
Baca juga : Solo surprisingly charming at night
Solo is also a great place to hang out , especially during night time. Besides so many "snacks" available, there are also live music everywhere, especially if you like live music, its like everywhere. Sangat tidak mendukung kalau kalian lagi diet ya kota solo itu, banyak makanan, makan tambah nikmat, makan tambah banyak. :-p .
Baca juga : Mengenal wedangan : Ciri khas, kuliner, dan perkembangannya
City Mayer of Solo is Gibran, He is also one of the son of the current president pak Jokowi. Gibran has ensure to continue the tradition to make Solo city charming , vibrant, and yet still rich with budaya jawa. Kalcer banget dech hidden gem city satu ini. So ngak ada salah nya to make an itinerary to travel with your friends to Solo. Definitely a delightful Culture experience :-).
- Salam travel, Humble Farmer -
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