Good morning Sobat humble,
Memang Mabura and mimici with your friends can be fun. But you know kegiatan apa yang juga super fun dengan your friends ?? iiiiis sehat together.
Normally, I'd like to go to golf driving range by myself, sendiri aja, just improving my skill while listening to my favourite podcast with my TWS. But then, recently I started to see my friends in the range, and we schedule practice session together. Dan ternyataaa its super fun. We're not just can learn from each other mistakes, tapi juga saling memperbaiki one another.
Baca juga : Tips pilihan sepatu di driving range golf
Yang tadinya 1-2 jam kayaknya lama banget, with friends, 3 jam pun ngoceh ngak abis abis. The only bad thing about this is , ketemu topik2 racun golf dan jadi nya setiap istirahat kutak katik searching toko online cari2 stick ..LoL.."ini berapa ya ?" ..."itu berapa ya ? "..well semua nya kan ada positive negative nya ..hahahaha...ya hitung2 cari2 racun untuk memperbaiki kegiatan kesehatan ya kan.
Baca juga : Golf bawa speaker, NGAK KELAS bro ???!
Plus kalau perginya bareng2, kan cost nya bisa di bagi teman2nya. Sehat ngak selalu mahal, mahal belum tentu sehat. Tahun 2023 ini sudah saatnya kita lebih pay attention to our health and wellbeing. Without health, we cant really do anything. So why dont you try to do sports with your friends, trust me it is super fun, and its makes you healthier.
- Salam Sehat, Humble Farmer-
Baca juga : Cara tambah jauh pukulan golf
Baca juga : The Range: Main golf sambil rekreasi di kawasan PIK